A spring dance party with funds raised supporting Candace Cares, in memory of Candace Forsley.
Doors open: 6pm • Cocktail Hour 6p-7p • Dancing 7p-11p
Tickets: Reserved Seating $40pp • General Admission: $35pp
Reserved Tables of 10 - $400 per table
GET TICKETS HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/battle-of-the-bands-dance-party-featuring-don-campbell-jim-ciampi-bands-tickets-854067447727?aff=oddtdtcreator
Longtime friends and musicians, Don Campbell & Jim Ciampi will team up with their fantastic bandmates to support funding for our dear friend Fred Forsley who established Candace Cares. Fred has been a tremendous support to Don and Jim throughout their careers as well as the local music community. We choose to support Candace Cares in advancing funds for the family foundation to aid in the work to fight breast cancer. Please join us!!!
PRODUCED BY: J Ciampi Events
www.jimciampi.com • 207.712.9205